The obligatory “cake all over the face” picture on my first birthday. I love that even then, I had questions.

I'm remembering what it means to feel deeply, to extend trust, to love, and to be in a nurturing relationship with all beings and the earth. I’m learning a lot about healing frameworks, wisdom traditions, states and stages of consciousness and using them in my own life and in my work with others. In some ways it feels like I’m (finally?) growing up. In others, it feels like a deep remembrance of knowledge, habits, and ways of being that have just been hidden within me and us. 

I keep trying to hold more: not more stuff or work, but I keep trying to grow my capacity to be evermore in the both / and of life. It’s hard. So is practicing a story of interconnection while being a character in humanity’s current story of separation. But I do think it’s the path I’m meant to be on right now and it’s a path I’m eager to both join others who’ve traveled it for years already as well as invite others to join us. The challenges we face today are complex, interwoven, enormous, and urgent; we need as many people as possible working to approach solving them from a different lens than that which created them.

We need more humanity to create a better world and to ensure we - and all the beings we share this planet with - can be around long enough to create it.

I write about what I’ve remembered, learned, practiced, unlearned, let go of, and healed in an effort to be Moving Toward Humanity, and it’s delivered once a week to your inbox if you subscribe.

This newsletter is aligned to how I approach my work as a coach and facilitator. If you’d like to learn more about that or talk about working together, cool! Send an email to and we’ll get something sorted.

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I write about moving toward my and our humanity, what it takes from us to do that, how we can do it together, and why it's so damn critical we do.


I'm a leadership coach living in Memphis with a delightful number of cats, friends, and plants. I write about what it's looked for me to be - and what it might look like for us all to be - Moving Toward Humanity.